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10935 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301

San Antonio, TX 78230 US

(210) 697-9585

Fourth of July With Pets: Your Survival Guide

The Fourth of July can be a lot of fun for humans. Barbecues, fireworks, gatherings with friends and family. Unfortunately, the 4th of July can be hard on pets, with fireworks, in particular, causing problems. Loud noises, quite simply, often lead to pet anxiety. Outside of fireworks, there are some other things to keep an eye on as well. If you have questions or concerns feel free to reach out to our veterinarian at Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, TX.

Dealing with Fireworks

Unfortunately, fireworks can be a terrifying experience for pets. Not only do pets not understand what’s going on, but they have more sensitive senses, and especially hearing. As a result, fireworks and other loud noises may leave them rattled.

It’s best to keep pets inside during firework shows. You can draw the curtains and shutters closed, which will dampen the sound and also any bright flashes. It’s smart to put on the TV or radio, or to use white noise, such as a fan, to mask the sound of fireworks, potentially reducing your pet’s anxiety.

Other Risks and Concerns

Fireworks are the biggest cause of pet anxiety and other issues on the 4th of July. However, there are some other things to watch out for as well. First, keep the heat in mind. July is among the hottest months and the heat could take a toll on your pets. If you’re busy with friends, family, and festivities, you may not be paying as close attention to your pets as usual. Make sure that all of your pets have access to ample water and try to provide cool breaks in the shade when possible.

There’s a good chance that you will be enjoying a lot of food with friends and family. You may want to let your pets join in on the fun with human food. While the occasional treat may be alright, certain human foods are toxic to animals. Even those foods not particularly toxic could end up upsetting your pet’s stomach. Alcohol is especially bad for pets, so make sure to keep it away from them on the 4th of July.

Contact Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, TX

Are you worried about pet anxiety or other animal-related issues? Contact Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio today at (210) 697-9585 to speak with one of our team members or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian.