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10935 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301

San Antonio, TX 78230 US

(210) 697-9585

Pet X-Rays: What to Expect During the Procedure and Aftercare

Pet X-Rays: What to Expect during the Procedure and Aftercare

X-rays are a great tool for promoting good health. This is true for both people and pets. If you believe your pet has been injured or is suffering some other type of internal health problem, contact a “veterinarian near me” at Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, TX. Besides helping with pet x-ray services, a veterinarian can provide other pet care services. Here is some more information about x-rays and pet care.

The Basics of Pet X-Ray

An x-ray allows vets to peer inside your companion’s body without having to use invasive procedures like surgery. With an x-ray, you can see the skeletal structure, foreign objects, and various other things. This allows vets to uncover fractured or broken bones, as well as other issues. If issues are caught early, we may be able to improve the outcomes greater than they might have been had we not known sooner.

What Happens during an X-Ray

An x-ray will expose your pet to a tiny bit of radiation. However, this radiation will likely not pose a threat to your pet’s health. If you have concerns about radiation, give us a call and we can provide more details.

Taking an x-ray can be difficult with regards to pets. We can’t fully communicate with animals and can’t explain why the procedure is for their benefit. In some cases, pets won’t stay still for long enough to have an x-ray performed. Because of these issues, we may recommend that your pet be treated with anesthesia to keep him still. However, if your pet is able to stay still on his own, there will be no need for anesthesia. When the x-ray is done, your pet can go home with no need for recovery.

Get Pet Care and a Pet X-Ray from a Veterinarian on Our Veterinary Team

If you need to schedule an appointment for pet x-rays, contact us at Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, TX. Call us at (210) 697-9585 for more information from a “veterinarian near me.”