

Primary Location

10935 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301

San Antonio, TX 78230 US

(210) 697-9585

Managing Separation Anxiety

Managing Separation Anxiety

If your pet seems to act up whenever you leave the house, your pet might have separation anxiety. This anxiety only causes issues when pets are left alone. Our veterinary team at Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, TX, can help you manage your pet’s separation anxiety. Our veterinarian provides the following tips to handle this behavioral issue.

Recognize the Signs

Pets with separation anxiety might scratch windows and doors to try and get out of the house. Your animal may howl or bark excessively and experience accidents in the house despite being house-trained. Other signs include chewing on furniture, shoes, doorframes, and other household items or surfaces.

Wear Your Pet Out

Keeping your pet busy mentally and physically is a great way to ease anxiety. Your pet will be less likely to experience separation anxiety. Take long walks, or let your pet run around the yard. Give puzzle treats and toys to figure out. These activities help them burn off any excess energy.

Leave and Return Calmly

Don’t make a big deal out of leaving or getting back home. Keeping your comings and goings calm can help your pet feel more comfortable. Give your pet a favored treat before you leave to associate going away with something positive.

Look Into Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycare can provide your pet with excitement and socialization when you’re at work or away from home. If you’ll be traveling, consider pet boarding services rather than leaving your pet alone in your home. This method helps ensure your pet receives regular attention while you’re gone.

Find Help for Separation Anxiety

If your pet struggles with separation anxiety, contact Oaks North Animal Hospital at (210) 697-9585 to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian. Our veterinary team in San Antonio, TX, can guide you in helping your pet with this issue. We offer pet boarding if you must leave your pet in someone else’s care while traveling.