

Primary Location

10935 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301

San Antonio, TX 78230 US

(210) 697-9585

Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Pets

Why Dental Hygiene is Important for Pets

At Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, we prioritize your pet's needs, including dental care. Maintaining good dental hygiene is an essential part of caring for your pets and ensuring they lead long and healthy lives. Just like how your pet receives a yearly examination to stay up-to-date on vaccinations and check for any health problems, a dental checkup by our veterinarian should also be a part of your pet's annual health routine.

Dental Checkups for Dogs and Cats

When you bring your pet to us, they will undergo a thorough dental checkup by our veterinarian. Based on the assessment of your pet's dental health, the vet will develop an appropriate plan of action, depending on the check-up's findings.

At Oaks North Animal Hospital, we offer a comprehensive range of services to address any existing dental problems, provide regular check-ups, and perform teeth cleanings to maintain dental hygiene and prevent tooth loss and gum disease.

Common Dental Issues in Pets

Similar to humans, pets are prone to various dental issues that may require the expertise of a licensed veterinarian. You should be on the lookout for signs that may indicate something is causing pain or discomfort in or around your pet's mouth. These signs include:

  • Abnormal chewing.
  • Bad breath.
  • Bleeding from the mouth.
  • Broken or loose teeth.
  • Discolored tooth/teeth.
  • Drooling.
  • Dropping food from its mouth while chewing.
  • Excessive tartar build-up.
  • Extra teeth or retention of baby teeth.
  • Reacting to pain from inside or around the mouth.
  • Reduced appetite.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Swelling in and around the mouth.

Pets experiencing continuous pain may show changes in behavior, becoming less outgoing, refraining from playing, and becoming reclusive, agitated, and irritable. If you attempt to check your pet's mouth, be cautious as they may react defensively and bite.

Contact Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio, TX

If your pet requires veterinary care for a dental issue or check-up, the best course of action is to contact Oaks North Animal Hospital in San Antonio to schedule an appointment with our experienced veterinary care staff. We are here to ensure your pet's dental health and overall well-being.